The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!

The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!
It was CJ and Sophie’s first time on a guided trip this last Saturday, and they did a great job! This trip was booked through Spinner Fall, with Nick Jackson as their guide.
All of the Outfitters are open and running up here on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. Trout Creek Flies and Red Canyon Lodge have great lodging options, in mountain and desert settings. The spring fishing is great!
The dry fly fishing is still phenomenal on the Green River, although the cicadas are nearly done the fish are still biting on them. The Swart Brothers had a great day on the river and landed some real beauties!
As the cicadas wind down we are now seeing yellow Sally’s and caddis. The big bug is still working on the river, but many fish are also refusing it. We always have a blast when Rick and Dave come out from Tennessee, they are hardcore Anglers and so fun to be around! They landed a ton of nice fish!
Cicadas are in full force on the Green River in Utah! PMD’s, caddis, and yellow sallies are all starting to show up. Both dry and nymph fishing are good right now and will only get better in the coming weeks. Get out and fish!
Flows are at 8,000 CFS on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. The nymph fishing is good, try heavy weights with a red San Juan worm or scuds in various colors. You’ll find fish near the bottom, on sand bars, and in slower water near the banks.
The Bureau of Reclamation states the water flows below Flaming Gorge Dam will increase in the next few weeks, in conjunction with the Razorback Sucker hatch of larvae. Please check the BOR website or for the most up to date information. The nymph fishing should be good during high water.
Its August on the Green River Utah and that time of year when terrestrials are working well! Try a big ant, hopper, or beetle. Matt out of NY landed this beautiful brown yesterday!
Steve and his son Jake out from Michigan landed this beautiful 29 inch Rainbow on the a section May 5th. It measured 29 inches! And was landed on a size 22 baetis nymph. It is one of the cleanest rainbows we have ever seen on the Green River, Utah.
The warm weather and 3 day weekend have brought some good fishing on the Green River Utah. Some BWO’s have been coming off, and the streamer fishing is good! There are crowds out so prepare for some other anglers in the water.