The dry fly fishing was fantastic on cicadas before the high water flows!…. Let’s hope that it goes back to that afterwards. Watch for max capacity CFS for a few days.

The dry fly fishing was fantastic on cicadas before the high water flows!…. Let’s hope that it goes back to that afterwards. Watch for max capacity CFS for a few days.
The dry fly fishing is still phenomenal on the Green River, although the cicadas are nearly done the fish are still biting on them. The Swart Brothers had a great day on the river and landed some real beauties!
The big dry fly fishing is ON. Hoppers and ants are working well on the Green River Utah! Try sizes 10-4, black or brown in ants, tan hoppers. Think BIG!
The dry fly fishing is decent right now on the Green River, Utah. Ants and Hoppers are working well. Brock landed this beautiful 22 inch Brown today, on an ant dry fly.
August is here and summer is almost over! The river has been busy with rafters and fisherman! Big bugs have recently been doing well for dry fly fishing. Hoppers are on the banks and fish are looking up. The pseudo hatch has started, try a pheasant tail nymph. Small ant flies are also working. We’ve had rain showers almost every day for the last month, so bring your rain jacket!
Photo Credit: Howell Nature Photography
Since the flows have dropped the fishing has been great. Small dry flies are working well as there is a large Caddis hatch daily, Yellow Sallies have died off for the most part but can still be seen. Swarms of small midges have been erupting. Nymph fishing is good right now- try a scud or pheasant tail. Streamer fishing is also good!
Thunderstorms have been happening every afternoon so make sure you bring a raincoat when you come up!
Salt Lake Tribune and Channel 13 News both released stories today asking visitors on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam to exercise caution during spring runoff flows. Several visitors have needed rescuing during the 8600 CFS flows, and with water temps in the 40’s hypothermia is a concern. Read the tribune story here.
Once the high water flows end the dry fly fishing is expected to EXCEPTIONAL. The fish are strong from fighting the powerful currents and are putting up a good fight. We look forward to their SLAM on some dries when the CFS stabilizes to average summer flows. If you were jonesing for the (absent) Cicada hatch this year – the dry fly fishing to come could give you that top of the water eat you were looking for. Contact to book ASAP- we still have some dates open!
Green River Guide Nick Jackson and Trout TV Show Host Hilary Hutcheson kill it during the Cicada hatch last July in Utah. Trout Creek Flies hosted the two day trip and fly fishing the Green could not have gone better. The episode airs for free for 7 days online on Trout TV Show’s website- Green River Episode.
One of our favorite clients and dear friend John Cancilla (Newport, CA) landed this big boy 24 inch brown on the A-section in mid-July.
The Green River trip was hosted by Trout Creek Flies and guided by Nick Jackson. Guests John and Jeff stayed at the always beautiful Red Canyon Lodge.
This huge brown was caught on a tiny gray scud- size 22.
Read more about John’s trip here: Green River- Big Brown.
The high water flows below Flaming Gorge Dam peaked yesterday and are currently at 8020 CFS (as of May 17, 2015). There are reports of good nymphing and some cicadas doing well on the dry. The continued Green River flows are projected below:
Sun May 17- 8020 CFS
Mon May 18- 7500 CFS
Tue May 19- 7500 CFS
Wed May 20- 6600 CFS
Thu May 21- 5600 CFS
Fri May 22- 4600 CFS
Sat May 23- 4600 CFS
Sun May 24- 4250 CFS
Mon May 25 (Memorial Day)- 3900 CFS
Tue May 26- 3550 CFS
Wed May 27- 3200 CFS
Thu May 28- 2850 CFS
Fri May 29- 2500 CFS
Sat May 30- 2150 CFS
Sun May 31- 1800 CFS
Thereafter June 1- 1450 CFS projected