The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!

The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!
It was CJ and Sophie’s first time on a guided trip this last Saturday, and they did a great job! This trip was booked through Spinner Fall, with Nick Jackson as their guide.
All of the Outfitters are open and running up here on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. Trout Creek Flies and Red Canyon Lodge have great lodging options, in mountain and desert settings. The spring fishing is great!
Kathy landed an awesome brown yesterday on the Green River, Utah. Fishing below the Flaming Gorge Dam is always beautiful in the Fall; the colors are a wonder to see! Mike also landed some great fish!
The dry fly fishing is still phenomenal on the Green River, although the cicadas are nearly done the fish are still biting on them. The Swart Brothers had a great day on the river and landed some real beauties!
Cicadas are in full force on the Green River in Utah! PMD’s, caddis, and yellow sallies are all starting to show up. Both dry and nymph fishing are good right now and will only get better in the coming weeks. Get out and fish!
Its August on the Green River Utah and that time of year when terrestrials are working well! Try a big ant, hopper, or beetle. Matt out of NY landed this beautiful brown yesterday!
The big dry fly fishing is ON. Hoppers and ants are working well on the Green River Utah! Try sizes 10-4, black or brown in ants, tan hoppers. Think BIG!
The fishing has been good! The big boys are eating big bugs making the dry fly fishing great.
Rick and Dave from Tennessee have landed several awesome fish on dries the last few days! The sallies and caddis are ON, great dry fly fishing.
The hatches are abundant and the dry fly fishing is good right now! Especially during afternoons and evenings, and when the wind lets up.
Get out and have a safe 4th of July! Join us in Dutch John, UT for fireworks on the 7th!