Dave landed his personal best on the Green River this week with Guide Nick Jackson. This big brown trout was landed on a big dry fly. It’s great fishing right now!

Dave landed his personal best on the Green River this week with Guide Nick Jackson. This big brown trout was landed on a big dry fly. It’s great fishing right now!
Its August on the Green River Utah and that time of year when terrestrials are working well! Try a big ant, hopper, or beetle. Matt out of NY landed this beautiful brown yesterday!
If you’re willing to face the cold and wind on the river this holiday week and plan on fishing the Green River UT watch for fluctuating water levels. Release flows from Flaming Gorge Dam will have the fish discombobulated so your best bet is going to be during stabilization periods.
For dry fly fishing use a BWO or small midge in back eddies. Nymph fishing should be a safe bet overall- try midges, eggs, or pheasant tail. Streamer fishing should produce early or late in the day when the water flows are typically changing. Bundle up, stay safe, and MerryChristmas!
One of our favorite clients and dear friend John Cancilla (Newport, CA) landed this big boy 24 inch brown on the A-section in mid-July.
The Green River trip was hosted by Trout Creek Flies and guided by Nick Jackson. Guests John and Jeff stayed at the always beautiful Red Canyon Lodge.
This huge brown was caught on a tiny gray scud- size 22.
Read more about John’s trip here: Green River- Big Brown.
Nick and Julianne rarely get the same day off- so yesterday afternoon they met up after work to fish Red Canyon‘s private lake- East Green Lake. There are several huge Rainbows and Tigers right off the dock. Here’s a look at some of the fish they landed- both on a zebra midge. (These fish are still eating Cicada dry flies!)
Post: Julianne