The dry fly fishing was fantastic on cicadas before the high water flows!…. Let’s hope that it goes back to that afterwards. Watch for max capacity CFS for a few days.

The dry fly fishing was fantastic on cicadas before the high water flows!…. Let’s hope that it goes back to that afterwards. Watch for max capacity CFS for a few days.
It was CJ and Sophie’s first time on a guided trip this last Saturday, and they did a great job! This trip was booked through Spinner Fall, with Nick Jackson as their guide.
All of the Outfitters are open and running up here on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam. Trout Creek Flies and Red Canyon Lodge have great lodging options, in mountain and desert settings. The spring fishing is great!
The fishing has been good! The big boys are eating big bugs making the dry fly fishing great.
Since the flows have dropped the fishing has been great. Small dry flies are working well as there is a large Caddis hatch daily, Yellow Sallies have died off for the most part but can still be seen. Swarms of small midges have been erupting. Nymph fishing is good right now- try a scud or pheasant tail. Streamer fishing is also good!
Thunderstorms have been happening every afternoon so make sure you bring a raincoat when you come up!
Flows are still high on the Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam at 8600 CFS. Pat and Ralph Wood came out from California for a trip on the green with guide Nick Jackson and had a great time. Pat landed this fat Brown on the A section, nice job! Cicadas are out and about. Try a small nymph for the river.