The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!

The season is off to a great start with great fishing! There are still some April dates open. We do have some winter conditions so dress warm. The lake is also fishing well!
The dry fly fishing is still phenomenal on the Green River, although the cicadas are nearly done the fish are still biting on them. The Swart Brothers had a great day on the river and landed some real beauties!
As the cicadas wind down we are now seeing yellow Sally’s and caddis. The big bug is still working on the river, but many fish are also refusing it. We always have a blast when Rick and Dave come out from Tennessee, they are hardcore Anglers and so fun to be around! They landed a ton of nice fish!
Cicadas are in full force on the Green River in Utah! PMD’s, caddis, and yellow sallies are all starting to show up. Both dry and nymph fishing are good right now and will only get better in the coming weeks. Get out and fish!
The Green is fishing well, both dries and nymphs are working. We expect high flows to start in the next few weeks. Angler Joe Snoy caught this beautiful rainbow last week!
The hatches are abundant and the dry fly fishing is good right now! Especially during afternoons and evenings, and when the wind lets up.
Get out and have a safe 4th of July! Join us in Dutch John, UT for fireworks on the 7th!
Flows have stabilized and the Green is fishing well! There are still a few cicadas around, and yellow sallies have started.
It’s been hot out there the last few days! Rain is in the forecast.
Steve and his son Jake out from Michigan landed this beautiful 29 inch Rainbow on the a section May 5th. It measured 29 inches! And was landed on a size 22 baetis nymph. It is one of the cleanest rainbows we have ever seen on the Green River, Utah.
Fishing is good right now on the Green River, Utah! Blue Wing Olives are hatching on overcast days, and on sunny days we’re seeing the midge hatch happen. The nymph fishing is good, as well as the dry fly fishing but is more weather dependent. Today is rainy and cold, expect the B section below Red Creek Rapid to be blown out for a few days.
We had a great couple of days with Jeff and Steve! Nice fishing guys, great numbers.
River fishing is good right now. The water is at 9100 cfs so high water is still rushing. Blue Wings continue to hatch and there is some dry fly fishing. Fish are suspended in the back eddies eating BWO’s in the afternoons. We have been seeing Cicadas on the A section; if there are a whole bunch there could be some dry fly action on big bugs.
The lake fishing on Flaming Gorge has been good with Flying Ant hatches happening and rainbows coming out of the spawn. We have been getting rainbows on attractor patterns dropped with a Zebra Midge or stripping leech like patterns. An olive or black Zig-Jig is also working well.
Stay safe and enjoy this nice weather!